Marriage Retreats

As children we build lifelong dreams that often graduate as we get older into hopefully one day meeting our soul mate and maybe even raising a family and aspiring to be the greatest parent in the world.  Over time we so often see that, while others seem to have found a level of contentment in…

Couples Counseling

In 1995, the top consumer advocacy publication Consumer Reports put issued a report on the effectiveness of psychotherapy and the lowest scores went to marriage counselors as compared to other treatment providers.  Quite often people associate couples counseling with those offering similar services for married folks and for all intent and purpose, the two are…

Personal Life Coach

Each person lives a unique life based on unique traits, upbringings and personal & professional experiences.  As early as childhood we begin to form ideals on how to establish and foster personal and professional relationships on various different levels.  To many, the process of hiring a personal life coach begins by taking a good hard…

Executive Drug Rehab

Certain people require a much enhanced, fluid and sometimes even a mobile type of addiction and alcoholism treatment approach that defies the traditional inside the box protocol.  Most often these are folks whom require an executive drug rehab services that focuses not only on clinically advanced elements, but also on providing enhanced elements such as;…

Business Life Coach

So what exactly is a business life coach and how exactly can having one change the direction of your life and your career?  Ask yourself a few very important questions.  First, based on what you had planned for yourself 5 or 10 years ago, career wise that is, are you content with where you are…

Best Drug Rehab

There are a world of options for those struggling within the realms of drug addiction, substance abuse and chemical dependency.  So often these individuals, or their families, scour the internet seeking the absolute best drug rehab facility for themselves or their loved on.  The million dollar question really is what exactly constitutes the “best drug…

Drug Treatment Program

It seems that these days people are riddled with endless options when caught up in the struggle of drug addiction, alcoholism or dual-diagnosis matters.  The fact of the matter is that finding the right drug treatment program can be the difference between a life filled with sobriety and joy vs. one filled with persistent relapse…

Corporate Coaching

The process of corporate coaching, with regard to how we view it, has evolved quite a bit.  It used to be that companies and various sized businesses would secure these types of services in a manner that fits within a specific mold.  For instance, an organization might seek professional corporate coaching and similar guidance for…

Alcohol Rehabilitation

We believe in the gifts of live and that each person has their own path toward attaining these gifts.  In the cases of those struggling with alcohol abuse we must acknowledge the fact that effective and long-lasting alcohol rehabilitation is necessary in order to truly live the life one wishes.  Unfortunately, so many individuals and…

Leadership Development Program

Following and engaging in an effective leadership development program is a key element within the path to success.  Many people are under the impression that successful individuals have become that way based solely on any number of variables, such as; having a good product or service, good old fashioned hard work, luck and so forth. …